As a kid in the 70s, I remember seeing a commercial for SAFARI CARDS. I was immediately of the mind that, YES, for 1 dollar, I needed that first set. Well that set grew into hundreds over the following years. Those cards were my window to a world I could only HOPE to one day live in. Red Mantella frogs, Rose breasted grosbeaks, critters from all over the world. Well, in all my adventuring at Greenfield Lake and beyond, it only makes sense that now, all these years later, I release a virtual version of my very own WILD CARDS! This first set, THE USUSAL SUSPECTS, and additional upcoming sets of Greenfield Lake are perfect for any child, or child at heart who shares that passion for understanding and observing the stunning creatures who share our planet. Greenfield Lake is a treasure trove of diversity and I am thrilled to help bring that diversity to the forefront with WILD CARDS.